Neurodiversity and Generative AI

Could Generative AI be used to assist those who have executive functioning issues? By adding personalized data and tracking ongoing conversations Generative AI may offer an ongoing level of support to the neurodivergent community.

Like many I’ve been looking into Generative IA (GenAI) and what practical uses the technology offers today. Particularly from a business lens. If you’re not familiar with the term Generative AI you may be familiar with some popular applications that use it. The primary technology being used to drive Generative AI are Large Language Models (LLMs). This is the technology behind tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney.

As I’m diving into the current state of LLMs, I’m intrigued by the solutions emerging by hacking the tools and enhancing the models. There are countless articles that talk about how to get more accurate results from tools like ChatGPT. Essentially warming them up to fine tune the results. These are strategies designed to get around the fact that the current models have low accuracy rates (GPT 3 ~60%) and are known to make up content. While the next generation of LLMs are reporting significantly higher accuracy rates, this is still an emerging technology.

New solutions being released use similar strategies to provide a level of customization and specialized accuracy on top of pre-built LLMs. For example, Amazon Bedrock allows you to add your own data to a foundational model (a LLM) to customize and refine the results. With the accessibility of customization solutions I’m seeing new uses for GenAI and LLMs that go beyond the novelty in the current tools. One of the areas I’ve been exploring is personalization in the eCommerce space. Without diving deeper into eCommerce, my ideations have spawned an offshoot. Digital assistants to provide on going context as a support mechanism.

Like many other autistic and neurodivergent folks I struggle with executive functioning. At it’s simplest executive functioning is the ability to plan, meet goals, and generally stay focused. The following two statements are common for me to say. “Yes I remember that conversation we had in the airport 20 years ago.” And, “no I can’t repeat what I said two minutes ago.” I don’t know how many times a day I walk into a room and forget why I’m there. Or sit down at the computer with a solid purpose and then can’t remember what it was.

GenAI can’t read my mind, yet it may be able to prompt me with possibilities. The options presented would be based on how it tracks my personal context. More importantly it may be able to present me with what I should be doing. Prioritization is another executive function NDs struggle with. If trained on the proper context could GenAI help me determine what I should be doing? Could it help me breakdown what I need to get done into logical tasks and next steps? Can Generative AI become the ride-along coach that helps me navigate a neurotypical world? I don’t know if this will be possible, yet I’m keeping an eye on where it goes.

I’m still cautious of the current tools out there. I’ve been using them for research, but only in areas where I have a solid knowledge base. I always validate the results they give me. I essentially use them to generate basic text I can modify in order to save time. I still use regular internet searches for new topics. I want to know what the sources of information are so I can determine how much I trust them. The current set of tools can be prompted to provide resources, but even then they can invent sources that don’t exist.

This is a space that’s evolving quickly. Some would say too quickly. As I’m working on business use-cases that use GenAI and LLMs, I’ll continue exploring how they can safely be used as ND assistants. No one really knows where it’s going, and it’s worth keeping an eye on. We could see some tangible progress over the next year or two that surprises (and hopefully delights) us all.

Disclosure: I’m a Solution Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS). This post is not associated with or endorsed by AWS. The opinions and content are purely my own.

Maslow/Strye Hierarchy of Disruption

I wanted to do an introduction to the Maslow/Strye Hierarchy of Disruption, or “HoD” for short. It’s something I’ve been working on for a while and it seemed time to share. Feel free to use it. All I ask is a nod of acknowledgement.

Maslow/Strye Hierarchy of Disruption for measuring the impact of digital transformations.

Some days it seems that technology is evolving faster than we can track. It’s undeniable that over the last decade we’ve seen innovations in technology change the way customers act and respond. From higher consumer expectations in shipping to the way we interact socially and even concerns about digital privacy. These changes in turn have lead to even further demand for innovation and faster change in order to keep pace with expectations. This cycle has almost everyone in the midst of a digital transformation, and it can be difficult to impossible to keep your head above the rising tide of new technologies and buzzwords. Let alone understand how they impact the enterprise.

With this in mind I created the Hierarchy of Disruption to help with three primary things. 1) It entices you to think critically about the technology, platforms, and solutions as applied to a business problem or initiative. What we’ll call the “context.”” 2) It lets you clearly outline the links between related technologies. 3) Frames the context in a way that lets you distinguish between useful innovations and hype-cycle technologies.

The end benefit is a model that provides a focus on impact and needed investment. Not just at the edge of business development, but through the full support chain down to foundational components and fundamental principals. When incorporated into solution strategies and extended into architecture road-maps the Hierarchy of Disruption becomes a powerful tool to guide, inspire, and focus efforts.

Let’s dive a bit deeper to see how it works.

The HoD is made of five layers combined into three sections; Support, Mission, and Vision. From bottom to top we start with the Support section. The first layer is the Baseline layer.

HoD Baseline Layer

The Baseline layer consists of those non-negotiable practices and principals across both the project and the enterprise. Note that we don’t need to list out every enterprise principal here. Focus on the most relevant practices and principals that impact the context being modeled.

HoD Foundational Layer

The other layer in Support is Foundational. These are primarily platforms and technologies needed to deliver at a higher level. It can be tempting to elevate a component in the foundational layer up the pyramid because of large scope, but that defeats the point. To illustrate this I’ll use an ERP platform as an example. ERP upgrades are often multi-year projects with broad scope. They touch large swaths of the enterprise and cost — let’s just say, “a lot.” It’s a large scale and important, perhaps even critical, modernization effort that needs to be undertaken. But, transformative? I don’t think so. Now modernization may be needed to unlock other efforts at higher layers, but separate those items out. The point here is to show dependencies and give an honest assessment.

Now if you’re introducing the concept of an ERP into your enterprise for the first time, then by all means elevate the platform to the Corporate Transformative layer. Then over time allow it to naturally shift down in to the Foundational layer.

HoD Corporate Transformative Layer

The next section is Mission, and the first level is Corporate Transformative. These are items that transform how you run the business within the context of the model. This last bit is important. While HoDs can be layered on top of each other to provide an aggregate view, it is important that each individual HoD stay true to it’s context. This allows leadership to weight different contexts to get a more refined view of priorities.

For example; let’s say we have a context regarding Digital Asset Management (DAM). In that context we have an innovative search component that rises to the level of Corporate Transformative. We also have a separate contextual model regarding Digital Marketing. In this context we have DAM listed as Foundational. If the search innovation from the DAM context is not critical to Digital Marketing, then we may not even call it out as being separate from the DAM. However; if the new search innovation is key to the transformation of our Digital Marketing context then we will call it out separately and elevate it to the Corporate Transformative level in our digital marketing context. When we aggregate these context together we’d be able to calculate an impact score for our search innovation. In the first scenario the score would be lower, in the second higher.

HoD Industry Disruptive Layer

Next in the Mission section is Industry Disruptive. These are game changers with a more broad based impact external to your brand. It could be something that changes consumer expectations, forces competitors to scramble to catch-up, or that creates/redefines an aspect of your industry. Modern examples range from the iPhone on the product side to free two day shipping on the services side. Both changed consumer wants and expectations in a disruptive way. As an aside, Henry Ford’s assembly line is an example that starts as being Corporate Transformative and quickly moves into the Industry Disruptive layer. Showing that, while downward movement is the norm, items can move up the stack as well.

HoD Incubation Layer

This takes us to the final section Vision and the top layer Incubation. These are technologies and trends that may have a big impact and we need to keep an eye on them. They may not be developed enough to include or simply require more research. Either way these are things that need to be monitored to determine if they are relevant and how they can be included.

Incubation sits at the top of the pyramid for a few reasons. One, it serves as the fulcrum of disruptive thinking and may have ripple effects all the way down. Two, these items look farther to the future and should serve as inspirations. They may start as hazy outlines, taking shape over time. Going from the silhouette on the horizon to the clear picture before us.

All of these layers working in conjunction create a living contextual model. When these contextual models are combined they create an aggregate model. A lodestar that highlights dependencies and allows us to measure impact. That plants the seeds of inspiration while illuminating the connectedness of the enterprise.

That’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction to the Hierarchy of Disruption. I hope you found the information here valuable. I’ll planning on putting together more information and creating additional assets to go along with it.

Until next time. Be happy. Be safe.


Ethics in Technology

To be honest it was not my intent to write a post about ethics. My aim was to begin a series of posts around Digital Twins. My work in this space has lead me to thinking a lot about AI, cognitive evolution, and ethics in technology.

When talking about technology, whenever I start talking about “ethics” it seems to surprise people. It isn’t something people expect an architect to be thinking about. At first I was equally surprised they weren’t thinking about it. Then I realized most technologists are trained not to. Ethics is seen as an impediment to progress. From a short-term [three to five year] perspective I see that point. What gets missed in that short-term view is that we run the risk of long-term damage that can’t be walked back. And let’s be honest. Long-term ethical design is hard. There is no simple mathematical equation we can apply. It deals in probabilities and educated guess-work. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in the activity.

Full disclaimer, I’ve never formally studied ethics. So in my journey down this road I looked to other areas that have. Mainly the Hippocratic Oath. Most of us know this from film and TV as “First, do no harm.” Simple, right? So what’s all this talk about ethics being hard?

This is the full modern version of the oath used by many US medical schools today.

  • I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
  • I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
  • I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
  • I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.
  • I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.
  • I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
  • I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
  • I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
  • I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
  • If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.

Not so simple anymore is it? “First, do no harm,” does have historic merit, but is more a convenient representation of the oath. An avatar of meaning if you will. A simple truth open to interpretation allows for conflict and rich story telling. Hollywood has thrust it into the public mindset as “The Oath.”

There’s another oath used by many medical schools called the Declaration of Geneva. While it’s been updated over the years, the Declaration of Geneva followed World War II. Intended to address atrocities of the war, it’s more direct and tied to the medical profession. Yet; it lacks the poetry of the oath above. The modern version of the Hippocratic Oath is also general enough to apply to other disciplines. For fun here’s a version of the oath modified for technologists. The modifications are in bold for comparison.

  • I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
  • I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those whose steps I walk in, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
  • I will apply, for the benefit of the enterprise, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of over-engineering and business nihilism (technology for technologies sake).
  • I will remember that there is art to technology as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the architects precision or the engineers skill.
  • I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed.
  • If it is given me to advance the company, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to do damage; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.
  • I will remember that I do not treat an org. chart, a a data domain, but an entire enterprise, whose issues may affect the companies employees and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for my charge.
  • I will prevent problems whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
  • I will use my knowledge and craft to guide my business partners and fellow practitioners into the future.
  • I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings.
  • If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of helping those in need.

This was as a fun exercise to get me thinking more about ethics as they relate to the craft. For the most part I simply changed some words or phrases. This was to orient it from the medical profession to technology. However; I do want to call out two things.

First, I added a completely new item. “I will use my knowledge and craft to guide my business partners and fellow practitioners into the future.” This goes to what I see as a primary difference between the two professions. Advancements in technology seek to disrupt the status quo to bring transformation. Advancements in medicine seek to preserve the status quo to extend life.

Second, I didn’t touch the item that follows it at all. “I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings.” This goes to the heart of my interested in ethics. We forget that what we do can consequences on a larger scale. Technology advancements have the potential to displace large portions of the workforce.

It troubles me to hear CEOs and CIOs dismiss these impacts out of hand. Many of them site the industrial revolution as having created more jobs than it removed. They skip over that it took decades to get to that point, and that some displaced workers never recovered at all. One could argue that the social disparity this caused was a major factor leading to World War I. Funny how large-scale war leads to job creation. I hope we do better than that as we head into what I’ll call the AI revolution.

These C-level executives also fail to consider a major difference between the industrial revolution and the AI revolution. Advances in technology are shortening the cycles of job disruption faster than ever before. It’s true that we’ll create new jobs as we automate others. But, we’ll automate a non-trivial proportion of those new jobs within a few years. In some cases we may find we are automating new human job gaps faster than we can fill them. This turbulence will have lasting affects that will be hard to predict. Our best hope is not in ignoring or dismissing this fact, thinking it will all work out in the end. Our best hope is in identifying those paths that lead to bad ends so that we can avoid them.

A prediction of ruin is not made to call for you to repent your sins. It’s made to call for you to disprove it. There are two types of futurist predictions. Those intended as a beacon, and those intended as a warning. We need both in equal balance of each other. This is how we navigate the future. As leaders and creators in technology, it’s our duty to be active participants in shaping the future. We can’t be blind to the consequences of our actions. For every Art of the Possible (AoP) we create, we need to be equally aware of it’s Portent of Calamitous Outcome (PoCO).

I suppose what I’m saying is that we need to remove our blinders and recognize where our decisions take us. Embrace the darker possibilities of technology to navigate around them. Explore the edges with courage, while being mindful of the cliff.

Strategy as Story: Part 5

Strategy is about telling stories. Good strategy is about telling the ongoing saga of your brand.

This is part five. It’s also the final part. In part one we introduced the premise and a framework to hang our strategic direction on. Then we got into Mission & Goals (What). In part two we discussed the Value Network (Who), and in parts three and four Strategy (How). In this final part we get to the heart of story, Vision (Why). We’re almost to the end. I promise.


Your strategic vision should serve as an anchor point for everyone to rally around. Human beings are curious creatures. There are people who will follow direction without much question, but without motivation you don’t get their best. There are lots of different things that motivate people to various degrees. While it’s true that a certain amount of motivation is personal, it infuriates me when I hear phases like, “we want people who are self motivated.” This is the difference between a manager and a leader. The manager is lazy and wants others to find their own motivation. The leader understands human nature and provides an environment for motivation to take root. Strategy is about leadership. The strategic vision is your main avenue to motivate and inspire. It’s your opportunity to capture hearts and minds.

How do you turn strategy into a tool for motivation? Story. This whole series has been leading towards telling the story of your strategy. We’ve talked about what (theme), who (characters), and how (plot). Now we’ll talk about why (story).

While you’ll use parts of your overall vision for different purposes, your strategic vision should consider the following:

  • Paint a picture of what the world will look like after the strategy has been executed.
  • Set the context of your story.
  • The key benefits of that future state.
  • The major opportunities and challenges along on the journey to get there.
  • It should be a simple view (vision) that everyone can understand.

I want to call out the first and last bullets, as the main reason for communicating strategies through story. The three in the middle; context, key benefits, and major opportunities/challenges, are all components of your story telling. The view of the end state (first bullet) is your overall vision. It may include technical and operational details needed for decision makers and people who need to execute strategies. The simple view (last bullet) is the true rally point for motivation. This is the vision you share broadly to build excitement. It should be a story that anyone can tell and understand. It’s the story of us not me or you.


In part one we discussed the notion of turning your larger goal into a theme for your strategy. Your theme acts a your through line. It’s a way to validate your strategic vision (story). Test the elements of your story against your theme. Do they re-enforce each other? If not, then why not? The theme doesn’t ring true to the goal? Adjust the theme. If the theme is right, then dig deeper into why your story isn’t following the theme.

In traditional forms of story telling, the author may find that through the telling of the story the theme they wanted to focus on has changed. When we’re telling the story of our goals and strategies, we have less latitude. While there is latitude, in how we get there, we don’t get to throw out the goals if we don’t like them. The theme doesn’t fit your narrative? Tough. Dig deeper and figure out why? If you truly feel that the goal is wrong then seek to understand it better. Who knows, you may be able to influence the direction. However; if you really can’t reconcile things, chances are it’s because you’re telling the wrong story. You may be telling the story of a different goal then the one in front of you. Raise your voice. Goals come and go over time. Use what you’ve learned to impact the next set of goals. If you find that your story falls more in line with a different goal, then share that knowledge. Pass it on and get back to the drawing board on the task at hand.

Another reason for feeling that you’re story has missed the theme is that you’ve surpassed the original goal. When you approach your strategic vision through he lens of story telling, it isn’t uncommon to go down the rabbit hole. The typical strategy has a three year shelf life. When you truly connect with a vision you may be seeing the next steps past that three year point. One test of this is to revisit your story with a shorter time-line. If you find you’re on theme after that then you’re in good shape. Separate out the longer vision, but don’t loose it. look at where you need to be in the next three years and let it inform you. You’ll end up with a better strategy. Spin off the longer vision as a side story and start telling it. Get feedback and refine it. You may find you have a chance to fold the two visions together. At the very least you’ll be in a position to influence the next set of goals and strategies.


In part two we touched on personas. These are the characters of your story. There are several fine resources that can help you develop personas. I’m not going to cover that here. The internet is your friend for that. I do want to touch on the different types of character functions that can come into play in your strategic vision.

A few things to keep in mind about characters:

1) Try not to make supporting characters too flat. Even in the briefest encounter you should be able to find one thing to make that character distinct and add a little depth.
2) We’re telling very short stories here. The fewer character the better. Can you consolidate two characters into one? do it.
3) I’m only covering the bare minimum here in terms of character functions. There are many books on the topic of character. This list is to get you started and thinking.

The Protagonist

Every good story has a protagonist. Look back through your persona list. Is there a principal persona you want to use to convey your story? Someone who can be a vehicle for your theme? It doesn’t diminish the value of the other personas you’ve developed. It creates a way for your audience to place themselves in the story. It builds empathy and leads to motivation. This was true for ancient Greeks, and it’s true for us.


These are characters provide our protagonist with the information she needs to reveal the theme. They tell us things we need to know and provide context.


These are characters who move the story forward. They may bring a challenge or reveal something that changes where we’re going. If an exposition character is there to set context, the disruption character is there to change the direction of the story.

Note that the disruptor doesn’t need to be an antagonist. They may be there to support the protagonist, but through them some plot point happens that changes the story.


Similar to exposition character, but the assist character moves the story forward through actions. They may provide a service, give a helping hand, or save the day.

Plot – Weaving Story into Strategy

We covered the elements of plot pretty thoroughly in the strategy sections. When it comes to turning the strategy into plot, I want to touch on a few considerations to keep in mind as you craft your story.

The Starting Point

think about where you want to jump into the story. In the strategy section we developed our strategies to “Get medical supplies from point A to point B.” It would be tempting to start our story at the beginning. We could. But what if instead we started our story at the point where the team hits rough weather. We could even elevate the situation to a blizzard conditions. Right off the bat our story is more compelling. We’ve raised the stakes, and have a better chance of engaging our audience.

Rhythm, Polarity, and Turning Points…

Oh my. There’s a lot to unpack there. First, I’d like to suggest the book “Story” by Robert McKee. Wile his focus may be screen writing, he covers much of what I’m talking about here in far greater detail. Here are a few things to wet your appetite.

Scenes: Every story has scenes. It sometimes surprises me when I see strategic visions that ignore this. They tend to weave the narrative into one continuous scene without depth or rhythm. “Of course we have scenes. We broke it up into separate tasks and locations.” Fail. Just moving people form place to place and having them do different things doesn’t make it a scene break. If each action is building to the same turning point, then it’s the same scene.

The Turning Point: Each scene needs to have to have a point where things change for the characters and moves the story forward. Things will no longer be the same after this. The turning point usually signifies a change in the polarity of a scene as well.

Polarity: Each scene should start with either a positive or negative charge. No matter which charge the scene starts with, it needs to end with the opposite charge. If it starts on a positive, then it needs to end on a negative. How positive? How negative? that’s where rhythm comes into play.

Rhythm: Every story needs to have a rhythm to it. Emotional highs and lows. These are different than our polarities. of positive and negative. Both positive and negative polarities can be emotionally charged to various degrees. it’s these degrees that lead to the rhythm of the story and scene. Normally a story starts in a neutral position. The world is status quo. Then something happens to raise the stakes, taking it higher. Every scene will play out as a series of steps with these highs and lows (ups and downs). Typically a scene will start low and raise to a crescendoed (the turning point), then come down just a bit at the close. Each scene will also typically raise a little higher each time until we reach the final conflict of our tale. The rhythm of each scene mimicking the overall rhythm of the story.

There’s more, but this is a good start. I’ll try to expand on these themes and touch on others such as cliff hangers and hooks in later posts.

Less is more

I once had a writing instructor tell me that you could fit all of the original Star Wars trilogy into just five comic pages. He’s right. The essence of any story can be communicated in a few pages. You want to take the audience on a journey, but it doesn’t have to be a long one to communicate and have impact.

Closing Thoughts

Let’s recap. We’ve taken our goal, “Get from point A to point B,” and identified the main challenges to success. We’ve dived into each challenge and identified a series of strategies needed to overcome those challenges. Finally we’ve put together the major steps needed to execute our strategies. We also related all of this to the elements of story craft. Conflict, plot, and outline. And finally we pulled all of our elements together into crafting our vision and telling our story.

One final note (reminder). While I covered all of this in a particular order, I did so to drive clarity and create a narrative. In reality all of these components work in conjunction. Each affects the other, and you will work on all of them in parallel.

I hope you found this a useful overview.

Expand Your Inspiration

“Think outside the box.” You hear it all the time, but what does it mean and how do you go about doing it? The first part of the question is the easy bit. We all know fundamentally that it’s encouraging us to apply new methods to an old problem. However; I want to put a finer point on this for my purposes. Thinking outside the box is about disruptive thinking. To change the status quo and move forward in new ways. Sometimes bold and sometimes subtle, we are changing the course to our destination.

So how do we do that? Where do those disruptive ideas come from? You steal them. No, I don’t mean take someone else’s idea and make it your own. I’m talking about what inspires you. The different paths to inspiration are as diverse as there are people. I’m going to discuss two; 1) following an emerging trend, and 2) adapting another discipline.

The first is the one I see the most. It involves looking at your industry, those related and investigating the emerging trends. Looking at how others solve problems can inspire you to do the same. For example, machine learning (ML) can identify sentiment from facial expressions. Then letting that inspire you to use ML to identify stress factors that broke a part from a photo. I refer to this one as standing on the shoulders of giants (to see further than you can on your own.)

The second is one I don’t see as often and wish I did. I’ve always felt the best inspiration comes from disciplines outside of your own. Using machine learning for facial recognition extended from artificial intelligence. But artificial intelligence was inspired by studying the brain. While the AI case is a direct parallel, your inspirations don’t need to be. You can be inspired from anywhere. Examine the process Monet used to paint his water-lilies. Study the migratory patterns of birds and butterflies. Anything. I encourage this method for many reasons. It can lead to truly new ideas and thinking. It gives you a non-technical metaphor to make communication easier. It can inspire others in new ways that make the idea better. It can reignite your passion for your job. And, by studying other disciplines not your own, you improve yourself.

These are only two paths to inspiration, but they paint a wide canvas and tend to be the two I lean on the most. I often find myself mixing the two. Using external disciplines to find new ways to utilize emerging trends.

Regardless of how or where you find your inspiration, find it. Trust it. Evolve it.

Three Laws

I read an article not too long ago that discussed how everyone is looking for the next Silver Bullet to fix all their problems. “If we just migrate all of our apps to the cloud, we’ll be able to scale as much as we want. Move to the cloud. Deploy to containers. Serverless for the win!” What we don’t talk about is craft. The craft that makes an application scale in the cloud. The craft that ensures your container environment can support your workload. The craft of being cost efficient. And the craft to know the limits of serverless technologies and when not to use them.

Some time ago I developed my own take on the “three laws of robotics” as related to software development. I know it’s been done before, but I like where mine ended up. I’ve had the chance to test these with both developers and product owners and they’ve held up. I’ve even had a product owner surprise me by quoting one of them. Pay close attention to how number three addressing the opening rant.

Three Laws of Development

  1. A developer may not actively jeopardize the long term health of a project, or through inaction, allow the enterprise to come to harm.
  2. A developer must adhere to the user stories created by the product owner, except where such stories would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A developer must further advance the craft of software development as long as such advancement does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.