Supermans Chick

I’ve been going through some old files on my backup drive and came across this old poem I wrote when I was in my youth. It gave me a chuckle so I thought I’d share. So here it is…

Supermans Chick

Jimmy Olsen’s got the blues
He bought a new hat and some brand new shoes

Jimmy thought he’d get to know us
Came sauntering over and said, “Hey Lois”

Then Clark coughed and stumbled about
stepped on Jimmy’s foot and made him shout

Jimmy’s foot was crushed to a pulp
Clark felt bad, tugged his collar and gulped

Now Jimmy’s laid up and Clarks depressed
Superman’s jealousy was put to the test

So here’s a clue for guys who are slick
Don’t go hit’n on Superman’s chick

Post a day in August

In an effort to do more writing I’ve decided to do my own mini NaBloPoMo in August. For those not familiar, NaBloPoMo is “National Blog Posting Month,” and takes place in November not August. It’s lightly modeled after NaNoWriMo (National Write a Novel Month), which also takes place in November. The basic premise of NaBloPoMo is to post one blog entry every day in the month of November, without skipping any days. Well, I decided not to wait until November, especially since I may want to do NaNoWriMo again this year. (I have yet to make it past two weeks.)

In order to try and build some discipline leading up to August, I figured I’d try and get an early start, and start doing some posts early, to get into a routine over the next few weeks. I’ll be doing all of the posts to the MIMP blog, but will be reposting some of the more technical postings to my Malignant Genius blog.

[In hind sight I’m not sure how wise it was to fire up a second blog, but at least this way I can be a bit more freeform in my posts, and not worry about them being business related.]


Welcome to the Malignant Genius. This site has migrated from (Mainly because no one liked the name). I’ll be posting various web comics to the galleries and writing posts about how they are created. Along the way I’ll also be posting technical articles about .NET and some in regards to the construction and ongoing development of this site. I hope you will enjoy the fevered thoughts that slip through the cracks of my imagination.