Weather reporters don’t know $#!7

Yesterday I worked from home because according to the news it was supposed to be the end of days. Yea, right. I totally could have made it into the office because, funny thing, the freezing rain and snow they promised NEVER happened. “But don’t you fret.” they said. “It’s going to hit tonight and tomorrow will be the end of days.”

This morning I woke up and it was 37 degrees and most of the snow was melted. They said that it wasn’t supposed to snow until late this afternoon, so I thought, “Great. I’ll head into the office and worst case scenario I’ll leave a little early if it starts snowing.” By the time I got out of the shower it was snowing. HARD. By the time I got dressed and downstairs the enclosed photo is what I opened the front door to. At the most this was 45 minutes after I looked at the window to see most of the snow gone. We’ve probably had more snow in the last hour than in all of the last week combined.

Weather Reporters don’t know shit!